Category: SharePoint Configuration

Organizational Browser Start Account

If you would like to create an Organizational Browser page that shows an entire organization or that starts with any user other than the one currently logged in you can do so with a Script Editor web part.  First, create a page, add the organizational browser web part and a script editor web part.  The choose the appropriate source below for your script editor and replace the DOMAIN and SAMACCOUNTNAME/USERPRINCIPALNAME and SHAREPOINT_URL_INCLUDING_SITE Continue reading “Organizational Browser Start Account”

SharePoint installation error – Step 8. The SDDL string contains an invalid sid


I was setting up SP 2013 as a standalone server inside a VMWare for my development purposes. (I did this previously inside virtualBox and encountered same error & had it resolved but didn’t document it). Continue reading “SharePoint installation error – Step 8. The SDDL string contains an invalid sid”

Adding Custom Refiners to OOB Search page


Who ever have used SharePoint OOB search might have observed a refinement panel on the left side where by default SP will list out possible list of FILTERS based on the content it has crawled. Like File Type refiner, User refiner, Time stamp refiner & so on…. Continue reading “Adding Custom Refiners to OOB Search page”